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雅思阅读真题解析-剑15Test1Passage2-Driverless cars-多选题

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  雅思阅读真题解析-剑15Test1Passage2-Driverless cars-多选题


  Questions 23 and 24

  Choose TWO letters, A-E.

  Write the correct letters in boxes 23 and 24 on your answer sheet.

  Which TWO benefits of automated vehicles does the writer mention?

  A Car travellers could enjoy considerable cost savings.

  B It would be easier to find parking spaces in urban areas.

  C Travellers could spend journeys doing something other than driving.

  D People who find driving physically difficult could travel independently.

  E A reduction in the number of cars would mean a reduction in pollution.


  题干可以划定位词的有automated vehicles,但是标题就是跟car相关的,所以我们应该看每一段的第 一句或最后一句确定跟题干的benefits相关的内容,确定好段落以后再确定出题句。

  A Car travellers could enjoy considerable cost savings.

  分析:选项可以划关键词的有travellers和cost saving。这个选项你要记住跟钱相关的即可。

  B It would be easier to find parking spaces in urban areas.

  分析:选项可以划关键词的有parking spaces和urban areas。

  C Travellers could spend journeys doing something other than driving.

  分析:选项可以划关键词的有travellers和doing something—在原文中对应具体的事情。

  D People who find driving physically difficult could travel independently.

  分析:选项可以划关键词的有people, physically difficult【行动不便的】。

  E A reduction in the number of cars would mean a reduction in pollution.

  分析:选项可以划关键词的有number of cars和pollution。有了这两个名词后我们再找有没有reduction对应的词。


  看到C段第 一句的Beyond these direct benefits…,我们可以确定上一段也讲了benefits,所以我们要看的段落应该是B段和C段。

  B There are many reasons why technology is advancing so fast. One frequently cited motive is safety; indeed, research at the UK’s Transport Research Laboratory has demonstrated that more than 90 percent of road collisions involve human error as a contributor factor, and it is the primary cause in the vast majority. Automation may help to reduce the incidence of this.

  Another aim is to free the time people spend driving for other purposes. If the vehicle can do some or all of the driving, it may be possible to be productive, to socialise or simply to relax while automation systems have responsibility for safe control of the vehicle. If the vehicle can do the driving, those who are challenged by existing mobility models-such as older or disabled travelers-may be able to enjoy significantly greater travel autonomy.


  上文颜色标出来的部分我们已经用在填空题了,一般两种题型不会重复用同样的句子(除标题配对题外—标题配对题需要分析整段的结构,所以有时候可能会重复用到别的题目用过的句子。),所以我们从another aim开始看即可。这句中的free the time people spend driving for other purposes可以对应C选项的Travellers could spend journeys doing something other than driving,所以这个选项还是比较明确的,答案选C。如果你不能通过理解句子的内容,或者已经记不清选项中的关键词,那么你可以抓住这句中的重点—time, people, spend—跟这句中的spend和time相关的选项只有C的spend journey,因为这里的spend指的是花时间。

  下一句中的to socialise or simply to relax是给前一句的for other purposes【…用于别的目的】,所以还是跟刚才的选项相关。

  最后一句中的such as older or disabled可以对应D选项中的People who find driving physically difficult ,这句中的enjoy significantly greater travel autonomy【自主】对应D选项中的could travel independently,所以答案是D。

  Questions 25 and 26

  Choose TWO letters, A-E.

  Write the correct letters in boxes 25 and 26 on your answer sheet.

  Which TWO challenges to automated vehicle development does the writer mention?

  A   making sure the general public has confidence in automated vehicles

  B    managing the pace of transition from conventional to automated vehicles

  C   deciding how to compensate professional drivers who become redundant

  D   setting up the infrastructure to make roads suitable for automated vehicles

  E    getting automated vehicles to adapt to various different driving conditions


  题干可以划定位词的有automated vehicles,但跟上一道题一样,这个定位词是文章标题提到的内容,所以我们应该看每一段的第 一句或最后一句找出跟challenges相关的段落,再确定具体的出题句。

  A   making sure the general public has confidence in automated vehicles


  B    managing the pace of transition from conventional to automated vehicles


  C   deciding how to compensate professional drivers who become redundant

  分析:选项可以划关键词的有professional drivers。

  D   setting up the infrastructure to make roads suitable for automated vehicles

  分析:选项可以划关键词的有infrastructure【基础设施—必备词汇】-- 在原文可能会对应railways, roads和bridges等内容—和roads。

  E    getting automated vehicles to adapt to various different driving conditions

  分析:选项可以划关键词的有various different driving conditions,这里的various different在原文中可能会对应并列的具体情况。


  F There are a number of hurdles to overcome in delivering automated vehicles to our roads. These include the technical difficulties in ensuring that the vehicle works reliably in the infinite range of traffic, weather and road situations it might encounter; the regulatory challenges in understanding how liability and enforcement might change when drivers are no longer essential for vehicle operation; and the societal change that may be required for communities to trust and accept automated vehicle as being a valuable part of the mobility landscape.


  上文第 一句出现的There are a number of hurdles【障碍】to overcome对应题干中的challenges。下一句中的these include【包括】往后加的是这些障碍的具体内容。我们在接下来的内容中找出两个跟选项对应的内容即可。这句中关键词有technical difficulties, infinite range of traffic, weather and road situations,这句中的infinite range of traffic, weather and road situations对应E选项中的various different driving conditions,这句中的ensuring that the vehicle works reliably对应E选项中的getting automated vehicles to adapt to,所以E选项正确。

  下一句中的关键词有regulatory challenges【监管方面的挑战】,但选项中没有对应的信息。

  最后一句中的关键词有societal change, communities。这句中的communities对应A选项中的general public, 这句中的trust and accept对应A选项中的confidence,这句中的may be required对应A选项中的making sure,所以A选项正确。


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