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支招托福写作 | 学术讨论范文(8)

来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2024-08-22 15:15


  支招托福写作 | 学术讨论范文(8)。今天,新航道南京托福培训机构小编分享托福考试真题范文。每一篇范文都经由新航道专业托福写作团队反复校对,还有详细的范文批注、撰写思路解析和好词好句整理,考托人们快快学起来吧!



  Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.

  In your response, you should do the following.

  - Express and support your opinion.

  - Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.

  An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

  Doctor Achebe

  Local governments have limited budgets to spend on enriching residents’ lives. Supporting arts programs like concerts and museums offers cultural engagement, while funding recreational activities like hiking trails and parks promotes healthy lifestyles. As students who appreciate culture and wellness, let’s discuss whether local funding should support arts programs or recreational activities more. Which do you think better serves the community and why?


  I think local governments should prioritize spending on outdoor trails and parks rather than arts programs like museums and concerts. More people would use and benefit from improved recreation spaces than arts venues. If fewer residents are interested in the arts, they won’t attend museums or concerts even if government funds them.


  I believe local governments should actually prioritize spending on arts programs like museums and concerts rather than recreation. Precisely because fewer residents are inherently interested in the arts, public funding is essential to sustain these cultural institutions for the minority who appreciate them. Without support, access to the arts will decline and society will lose these enriching, enduring outlets for creative expression.


  I think it is advantageous for local governments to fund arts programs.【it形式主语】One reason is that, by attracting audiences and creating employment opportunities, arts projects significantly contribute to economic growth.【表语从句】For instance, a government-funded music festival featuring prestigious performers in the music industry requires a substantial workforce, including sound engineers, lighting technicians, stage setup crews, and security personnel. During the festival, locals and music lovers from neighboring communities are drawn to the event. These spectators spend money on tickets, music albums, merchandise, and dining at nearby restaurants, all contributing considerable income to the local economy.【分词短语】Moreover, the increased attendance at the cultural program boosts hotel occupancy rates and restaurant patronage, prompting local businesses to hire more staff.【分词短语】Although Kelly’s idea is valid to some extent, she failed to mention that arts venues generate additional revenue for local governments, which can be used to create more leisure spaces, benefiting more residents in the long run.【让步状语从句+宾语从句+定语从句+分词短语】Therefore, for governments, allocating budgets for arts activities yields economic returns and serves local communities better.







  “These spectators spend money on tickets, music albums, merchandise, and dining at nearby restaurants, all contributing considerable income to the local economy.” 该分词短语既补充说明了前面提到的消费行为的结果,即这些消费行为为当地经济带来了可观的收入,又突出强调了观众消费对地方经济的贡献,旨在强调艺术项目通过吸引观众对经济增长的直接影响。


  “Moreover, the increased attendance at the cultural program boosts hotel occupancy rates and restaurant patronage, prompting local businesses to hire more staff.” 该分词短语则解释了“涌入大量参加音乐节的观众”如何导致“酒店入住率和餐馆消费增加”,进而引发了“当地企业招聘更多员工”的结果,不仅明确了因果链条,而且增强了艺术项目通过创造就业机会带来经济效益的论证力度,使分论点更具说服力。


  “Although Kelly’s idea is valid to some extent, she failed to mention that arts venues generate additional revenue for local governments, which can be used to create more leisure spaces, benefiting more residents in the long run.” 这个句子使用多重复合句和分词短语,各种语法结构共同作用,层层递进。通过指出Kelly观点的局限性,强调艺术场所为地方政府带来额外收入及其长远利益,进一步支持了政府资助艺术项目的必要性,使文章论证更为全面和有力。


  例句:The new smartphone features a high-resolution camera and a long-lasting battery.新款智能手机以高分辨率的相机和持久的电池为特征。


  例句:She is a prestigious scientist who has made groundbreaking discoveries in the field of genetics.她是一位享有盛誉的科学家,在遗传学领域取得了突破性的发现。


  例句:The audience was drawn to the captivating performance of the singer.观众被这位歌手的迷人表演所吸引。


  例句:During the Olympics, millions of spectators from around the world tuned in to watch the opening ceremony.在奥运会期间,来自世界各地的数百万观众收看了开幕式。


  例句:The urgent email prompted him to respond immediately.那封紧急的邮件促使他立即回复。


  例句:Her argument about the environmental impact of plastic is valid and supported by recent research.她关于塑料对环境影响的观点是合理的,并且有最 新研究支持。

  in the long run(从长远来看,最终):描述某个行为或决定在经过一段时间后的最终结果或影响。在文章中用来强调艺术项目对社区的长期利益。

  例句:Although the initial costs of implementing green technology can be high, the savings on energy bills and the positive environmental impact will make it worthwhile in the long run.尽管实施绿色技术的初期成本可能很高,但从长期来看,节省的能源费用和积极的环境影响会使得这一投资值得。


  例句:The new farming techniques have yielded a higher crop yield this year.新的耕作技术今年产生了更高的作物产量。

  以上就是新航道南京托福培训机构小编分享的支招托福写作 | 学术讨论范文(8)的全部内容,大家可以参考一下,更多有关托福备考的问题,可以咨询新航道托福老师哦~

【本文标签】: 南京雅思培训| 南京托福培训| 南京sat培训| 新航道雅思| 新航道托福|

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