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南京新航道 > 长难句训练营 > 长难句周


来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2018-03-16 09:45



长难句:In the face of the escalating perils from indiscriminate applications of pesticides, a more effective and ecologically sound strategy of biological control, involving the selective use of natural enemies of the pest population, is fast gaining popularity though, as yet, it is a new field with limited potential.


【句子主干】(In the face of…,) biological control, (involving…) is fast gaining popularity…



in the face of … 介词结构做状语

, involving…,现在分词引导的一个插入成分,修饰biological control

though… 尽管,表让步



escalate vt./vi. 加剧,恶化

peril n. 危险,危害

indiscriminate adj. 盲目的,恣意的

involve=entail vt. 需要

in the face of [something]: (despite) 不顾某事物;(in direct confrontation) 面临某事物

as yet: (up to now)到目前为止;(up to then)到那时为止







1. 尽管有恐怖威胁,这个国际会议依然按计划举行。

2. 面对反对力量,这个竞选候选人没有希望赢。

英翻中:The Little Ice Age was far from a deep freeze, however; rather an irregular seesaw of rapid climatic shifts, few lasting more than a quarter-century, driven by complex and still understood interactions between the atmosphere and the ocean.





1. The international conference went ahead in the face of terror threats.

2. The election candidate can’t hope to win in the face of the opposition.



The Little Ice Age was far from a deep freeze, however; rather an irregular seesaw of rapid climatic shifts, few lasting more than a quarter-century, driven by complex and still understood interactions between the atmosphere and the ocean.


【句子主干】The Little Ice Age was far from a deep freeze, however; rather an irregular seesaw of rapid climate shifts…




few lasting…现在分词短语,driven by …过去分词短语,修饰climatic shifts



rather (on the contrary)相反

seesaw (fluctuating situation) 交替局面

far from 完全不;远远不







1. 墙不是白的,而是灰不溜秋的。

2. 计算机远非破坏就业,而是能创造就业。


Second, we make a very conservative assumption that we are looking for a life form that is pretty well like us, since if it differs radically from us we may well not recognise it as a life form, quite apart from whether we are able to communicate with it.







1. The walls were not white, rather a sort of dirty grey.

2. Computer, far from destroying jobs, can create employment.



Second, we make a very conservative assumption that we are looking for a life form that is pretty well like us, since if it differs radically from us we may well not recognise it as a life form, quite apart from whether we are able to communicate with it.


【句子主干】We make a very conservative assumption(that…), since if…, we may well not…



assumption(that…), that 引导同位语从句,修饰assumption

a life form (that…), that 引导定语从句,修饰a life form

since 引导原因状语从句,修饰前面整个句子

if 引导条件状语从句,修饰we may well not…

apart from 介词结构,修饰we may well not…



conservative adj.保守的;谨慎的

assumption n.假定

radically adv.根本地

apart from ……外(别无);除……外(尚有)







1. 除了不能大吃甜食之外,她生活地很开心。

2. 除了难得偶尔来看看我们,他再没来和我们住在一起。

英翻中:However, when we look at the 100 billion stars in our galaxy (the Milky Way), and 100 billion galaxies in the observable Universe, it seems inconceivable that at least one of these planets does not have a life form on it; in fact, the best educated guess we can make, using the little that we do not know about the conditions for carbon-based life, leads us to estimate that perhaps one in 100,000 stars might have a life-bearing planet orbiting it.






1. She was happy apart from the fact that she could not gorge herself constantly with enormous desserts.

2. Apart from some rare and fugitive visits, he did not live with us again.



However, when we look at the 100 billion stars in our galaxy (the Milky Way), and 100 billion galaxies in the observable Universe, it seems inconceivable that at least one of these planets does not have a life form on it; in fact, the best educated guess we can make, using the little that we do know about the conditions for carbon-based life, leads us to estimate that perhaps one in 100,000 stars might have a life-bearing planet orbiting it.


【句子主干】when we…, it seems inconceivable that at least …; in fact, the best educated guess…leads us to estimate that…



分号之前,when we…引导时间状语从句

it 是形式主语,实际主语是that引导的从句

分号之后,guess(we can make), we can make 是定语从句,修饰guess

using…现在分词修饰guess, the little (that…) that引导定语从句,修饰little

estimate (that…)that引导宾语从句



inconceivable adj. 难以置信的;不可思议的

in fact 确切地说;事实上;实际上

bear 具有;生;忍受;经得起







1. 几年前人们很难相信大街上跑着充电汽车。

2. 核泄漏造成的长期后果真是不堪设想。

英翻中:This might be explained by the fact that the novel has evolved precisely because of technological developments that made it possible to print out huge numbers of texts, whereas oil paintings have always been produced as unique objects.




1. A few years ago a car fuelled by electricity running on the avenue would have been inconceivable.

2. The long-term consequences of a nuclear leak do not bear thinking about.



This might be explained by the fact that the novel has evolved precisely because of technological developments that made it possible to print out huge numbers of texts, whereas oil paintings have always been produced as unique objects.


【句子主干】This might be explained by the fact that the novel…because of technological development (that…), whereas…



the fact (that…) 引导同位语从句

because of 引导原因状语

technological developments (that…) that引导定语从句,修饰technological developments

whereas 转折连词连接下一个分句



evolve vi.演化;发展;逐步形成

precisely 精确地;准确地








1.      抗议活动演变成了十分有组织的政党。

2. 我认为金钱无比重要,而现在我的看法大不相同了。




1. The protest movement has evolved into a well organized political party.

2. I used to think that money was incredibly important, whereas I look at it now in quite a different way.



【本文标签】: 南京雅思培训| 南京托福培训| 南京sat培训| 新航道雅思| 新航道托福|

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